Completed papers
*stands for the first or corresponding author
X. Zhang*, W. B. Haskell, and Z. Ye. A Unifying Framework for Variance Reduction Algorithms for Finding Zeroes of Monotone Operators. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23 (60), 1-44. [link]
National Semiconductor Gold Medal, Singapore, 2021. "Awarded to the higher degree graduate in the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management who has published the best research paper that has been accepted/published by an international journal" [link]
X. Zhang*, Z. Ye, and W. B. Haskell. Error Propagation in Asymptotic Analysis for Data-Driven Inventory Policies. Operations Research, 2024[doi].
W. Huang, X.Zhang. Randomized smoothing variance reduction method for large-scale non-smooth convex optimization. Operations Research Forum, 2(2), 26 [link]
X. Jiang, Z. Ye, T. Loon Ching, and X. Zhang*. "Risk Aversion in a Data-Driven Inventory Problem". major revision at Production and Operations Management
H. Wang, X. Zhang, S. Ng, and S. Wang. "A Data-Driven Bayesian Nonparametric Approach for Black-Box Optimization". major revision at Informs Journal on Computing [arxiv]
X. Zhang*, Z.Ye, and Yu. Wang. Data-driven Inventory Policies with Dependent Demands. revised and resubmit at Operations Research.
X.Jiang, X.Hu, X.Zhang and Z.Ye. ''blinded for anonymity". review at MSOM.
An End-to-end Model for Share-of-choice Product Line Design Problem. with M. Liu, H. Gong, and C. Liu [arxiv], review at MSOM.
Selected work in progress
Matching Impatient and Heterogeneous Demand and Supply while Learning. with A. Ward and Weiliang Liu, in preparation for submission
Multi-period data-driven inventory control: nearly tight finite-sample guarantee. with G.H. Shen and X. Hu, in preparation for submission
Mitigating the Spiral Down Effect: Revenue Management under Branded Fare Structure. with Teo, C.P., C. Liu, and L. Wu, in preparation for submission
Pricing with a Single Price Observation and Multiple Customer Segments. with Teo, C.P. and M. Liu, in preparation for submission
Centralized Planning for online resource allocation. with Teo, C.P. and Susanto, A. in preparation for submission
I am an ad hoc reviewer for
Operations Research
Management Science
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Journal of Machine Learning Research
Transportation Research Part E
Numerical Algorithm